​Call for Papers – NALSAR Environmental Law and Practice Review (Volume X) 2025

​Call for Papers - NALSAR Environmental Law and Practice Review (Volume X) 2025

Submissions are invited for NALSAR University of Law Environmental Law and Practice Review (ELPR), Volume X, for 2025. ELPR is a publication of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, India. It seeks to encourage scholarship in the field of Environmental Law and Policy.

Nature of Contributions


An article may:

  • Explore lacunae in contemporary laws of any country.
  • Offer comparative studies of different legal systems.
  • Present original research data and analysis in the area of environmental sciences and law.
  • Focus on theoretical works or contemporary themes.

Articles should have a central theme or core argument, involve comprehensive study, and propose innovative solutions. Articles should not exceed 10,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).


Essays should be concise, engaging in a specific contemporary problem in environmental sciences and law, and avoid excessive theorizing. They must:

  • Provide original arguments and observations.
  • Focus on legal debates, interpretation, or solutions to specific problems.

Essays should not exceed 6,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).

Abstracts of not more than 250-300 words to be included with the full submission.
Case Comment/Legislative Critique & Notes
These contributions may:

  • Critique existing or proposed legislation, including Acts, Regulations, Schemes, Policies, or Guidelines.
  • Analyze judicial decisions and propose amendments or alternative solutions.

Case Comments/Legislative Critiques should not exceed 3,500 words (inclusive of footnotes).

Book Review: NALSAR Call for Paper

Book Reviews should provide a comprehensive analysis of a book, covering its ideas, writing style, and relevance to Environmental Law or Science. Books must not date back more than three years from the date of publication. Reviews should not exceed 3,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).

Themes and Sub-themes

The journal invites submissions from academicians, legal practitioners, students, and researchers from the legal community. Contributions may focus on, but are not limited to, the following themes:

  • Comparative Approaches in International Environmental Law
  • International & Regional Environmental Governance
  • Concept of Climate Justice, Equity, and Global Divide in Environmental Negotiations and Diplomacy
  • Green Financing, Taxation, Reporting, and Disclosure Standards
  • Environmental Law and Technology
  • Environmental Judicial Review Systems and “Environmental Constitutionalism”
  • Climate Change Litigation and its Future
  • Role of Intellectual Property Rights in the Era of Climate Change
  • Interlinkage with Human Rights and Indigenous Community Rights
  • Any other contemporary issues intricately related to the above themes

Submission Guidelines


  • Submissions must be in Times New Roman, font size 12 for the main text and size 10 for footnotes, with 1.5 line spacing.
  • All submissions should be compatible with Microsoft Word.

Word Limit

  • Article: 10,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
  • Essay: 6,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
  • Case Comment/Legislative Critique & Notes: 3,500 words (inclusive of footnotes).
  • Book Review: 3,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).

Citation Format

  • Submissions must adhere to the OSCOLA citation format.
  • Speaking footnotes are discouraged.

Publication Ethics: NALSAR Call for Paper

  • Submissions must be original and free from plagiarism.
  • Joint authorship is allowed with no cap on the number of authors per submission.
  • Submissions must not contain any libelous or scandalous material. Authors are responsible for securing necessary permissions for unpublished works cited.

Final Submission

Full-length manuscripts must be submitted on or before 31st March 2025.
Biographical Information of Authors

  • Submissions must include a separate document with the author’s biographical information, including Name, Email Address, Postal Address, Institutional Affiliation, Course (if applicable), and Academic Year.
  • The main manuscript must not include author information to ensure an anonymous review.

How to Submit?

Submissions should be emailed to elpr@nalsar.ac.in(link sends e-mail) with the subject line: “Submission for ELPR Volume X.”

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