Higher Judiciary Vacancy: Bombay High Court Recruitment for District Judge 2024

Judge Vacancy: Bombay High Court Recruitment for Higher Judiciary (District Judge) 2024.

About Bombay High Court Recruitment for District Judge

Online applications are invited to Bombay High Court Recruitment in the prescribed form from eligible candidates for 28 vacancies for the post of District Judge, by Nomination (25%), in the Judicial Service of the State of Maharashtra in the pay scale of Rs.144840-194660 + dearness allowance and other allowances as admissible under the Rules. The number of vacancies will likely vary, and the vacancies shall be noted on the official website only. In that event, no separate applications shall be invited.

Eligibility: Higher Judiciary Vacancy at Bombay High Court

  • A candidate must be
    • a citizen of India. a holder of a Degree in Law.
    • practicing as an Advocate in the High Court of Bombay or Courts subordinate thereto for not less than seven years on the date of publication of Advertisement and while computing the period for practicing as an Advocate, the period during which he/she has held the post of Public Prosecutor or Government Advocate or Judicial Officer shall be included.
  • A candidate must be working or must have worked as a Public- Prosecutor or Government Advocate for not less than 7 years in the post or posts on the date of publication of the Advertisement, and while computing 7 years, the period during which the candidate has practiced as an Advocate shall be included.

Age Criteria for Higher Judiciary

A candidate must have attained the age of thirty-five years and must not have attained the age of forty-eight years in the case of candidates belonging to communities recognized as backward by the Government for recruitment and forty-five years in the case of others, as on the publication date of the Advertisement.

Knowledge of Marathi

  • A candidate must have sufficient knowledge of Marathi to enable him/her to speak, read, write, and translate with facility from Marathi into English and vice-versa.

Application fee

The candidate is required to pay Registration fees of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) for the candidates belonging to communities recognized as backward by. the Government and Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) in case of others through ‘SBCoUect’ – an on-line payment gateway facility, only.

Examination of Higher Judiciary 2024

preliminary Written Examination: –

For the purpose of short-listing the candidates, the High Court may, if necessary, hold a Preliminary Written Examination comprising of multiple choice objective type questions which can be scrutinized by computers and call upon the candidates obtaining the cut off marks, as may be fixed by the High Court, to appear for Main Written Examination, maintaining the ratio of 1:10 of the available vacancies to the successful candidates. Provided that if there are more than to one candidates who secure identical cut-off marks as fixed by the High Court for maintaining ratio of 1:10, all such candidates will be called upon to appear for Main Written Examination. The marks secured by the candidates in the Preliminary Written Examination will not be taken into consideration for final selection and will not be displayed or communicated to the candidates.

Main Written Examination and Viva-voce

The Main Written Examination shall comprise of two papers carrying 100 marks each, having duration of 3 hours each. The medium of Main Written Examination shall be English. The High Court will hold Viva-voce carrying 50 marks of the eligible candidates who have secured not less than 50% marks in each paper of Main Written Examination. Provided that the candidates belonging to communities recognized as backward by the Government for the purpose of recruitment who have secured not less than 45% marks as aforesaid shall be eligible for the Viva-voce.

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