Internship at Kerala Human Rights Commission 2024

About Internship at Kerala Human Rights Commission 2024

The internship at Kerala Human Rights Commission 2024 exposes students to the workings of the commission. Interns gain insights into handling human rights complaints, understanding the legal framework, and interacting with victims. The commission, established in 1998 under the Protection of Human Rights Act, investigates human rights violations, intervenes in legal proceedings, and recommends measures for human rights protection. Internships provide a platform for law students to contribute to upholding human rights and gaining practical experience in this crucial field.

Application Procedure for Kerala human Right Commision

  • Application in the prescribed format given below shall be submitted to the secretary along with the Bonafide letter issued from the College/ University/Department concerned.
  • Students shall compulsorily wear college uniform with ID card during the internship period.
  • Students shall sign the attendance register and ensure their presence during office hours.
  • Report shall be prepared by the synopsis provided by the office and submitted to the officer concerned before the completion of the internship period.
  • Affix a passport-size photo in the register maintained at the office and enter the necessary details there in.
  • Students shall keep office decorum and maintain discipline within the office premises.
  • Certificate will be issued only after successful completion of the internship and interns shall collect the certificate within two weeks from the date of completion of their internship.
  • Internship will be permissible only for a maximum period of 14 days.
  • Strict action will be taken against those who violate the instructions and will not be allowed to continue the internship and the matter will be intimated to the respective college/ Institution.

Synopsis to prepare Internship Report

  1. Preface.
  2. Contents.
  3. Introduction.
    1. meaning and Importance of Human Rights
    2. Evolution of Human Rights in India.
    3. Statutory provisions regarding the establishment of Human Rights Commission.
    4. Structure, Qualifications, Powers, and Duties of Kerala State Human Rights Commission.
  4. Administrative set-up of the Kerala State Human Rights Commission.
    1. Co-terminus staff
    2. Administrative staff
    3. Investigation Team.
  5. Day-to-day reporting of proceedings witnessed and experienced by the intern in the Establishment (give specific details of register and records maintained in different sections.
  6. Details of sittings and classes attended, if any.
  7. Write specific cases (At least five ) disposed of during the internship period.
  8. Personal evaluation and feedback regarding the internship.
  9. Conclusion and Suggestions.


Add a score of copies of the following documents as specimen records.

    1. At least two copies of the petitions mentioned in the report.
    2. Notice
    3. Notice seeking report
    4. Model report from any of the cases written in the report
    5. Disposal notice
    6. Final Order
    7. Copy of Action Taken Report
    8. Form of Communications.

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